4 Popular Discretization Techniques You Need to Know in Data Science

data science Nov 22, 2023
thumbnail image for 4 Popular Discretization Techniques blog from BigDataElearning

Ever wondered how Spotify knows exactly what song you want to listen to next or how your online shopping cart suggests just the right item? 

Behind the scenes, it's all about data discretization in data science. This article aims to unravel the concept of data discretization and guide you through 4 popular discretization techniques that are used in data science. 

So, whether you're prepping for a data science interview or simply keen to enhance your skill set, you're in the right place! 

Before we dive into 4 discretization techniques, let’s take a look at the following

What Is the Discretization Method in Data Science?

You know Machine learning operates much like your brain, always eager to find patterns and make sense of things. 

However, sometimes the data is just too messy or complicated for the algorithms to work effectively. It's like trying to find Waldo in a crowd; too much information can be overwhelming. 

That's where data discretization in data science comes in handy.

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Discretization is akin to breaking down a long, confusing novel into chapters or even paragraphs. 

By categorizing continuous data into discrete bins, it's easier for machine learning models to grasp the essence of the data. 

Picture a weather app showing temperatures in decimals like 22.4°C, 22.5°C, and so on. Discretizing these into categories like 'Cool,' 'Warm,' and 'Hot' simplifies the data for both machine learning algorithms and human interpretation.

Why Is Discretization Used in Machine Learning?

So, why exactly is the discretization process so vital?

  1. Reduces Overfitting: By simplifying the data, you're reducing the risk of your model mistaking random noise for a significant pattern, a common problem known as overfitting.

  2. Improves Efficiency: Complicated data takes time to process, like a heavy web page taking time to load. With discretization, the machine learning model works faster as it's dealing with less complex information.

  3. Enhances Interpretability: In the age of AI ethics, making algorithms understandable to humans is crucial. Discretization helps by categorizing data into understandable bins.

What Is an Example of Discretization?

Consider you're a librarian tasked with arranging thousands of books by their exact page count. 

Would that be practical? 

Not really! Right? :-) 

Instead, you'd categorize them as 'Short Stories,' 'Novels,' or 'Epic Novels.' This is data discretization at its most basic.

This concept is widely used in machine learning, especially in algorithms that perform better with categorized data. 

For example, Naive Bayes and Decision Trees algorithms often prefer discrete data. Instead of using exact ages, these models might use age ranges like '18-30,' '31-45,' and '46-60' for easier computation and analysis.

4 Famous Discretization Techniques in Machine Learning

Let’s take a look at four examples of widely known machine learning discretization techniques:

What Is Equal Width (or Equal Interval) Discretization?

Equal Width Discretization is akin to using a meter stick marked at every 10 cm to create intervals. This technique slices continuous data into fixed-width bins or intervals. 

Imagine you have a dataset that has the heights of people in a city, ranging from 140 cm to 210 cm. Now if you create seven equal-width bins (each of 10 cm) to categorize this data, then you have used the “equal width discretization” method.


  • Simplicity: Since this method is straightforward to implement, it is accessible even to those new to data science.

  • Uniformity: Since it treats all ranges as equally important, it is advantageous, especially in well-distributed datasets.


  • Sensitive to Outliers: In your dataset if one person is 250 cm tall, then this outlier could dramatically alter the bins, leading to misleading analysis.

  • Not Data-Driven: Since it doesn't consider the distribution of data points within each range, some bins in your dataset might end up empty or sparse. Just like in our above example, where the bin belonging to category “150-160” is empty.

Practical Use Cases

You can use this data discretization technique in scenarios requiring basic data segmentation, such as classifying students based on test scores into categories like 'Below Average,' 'Average,' and 'Above Average.'


What Is Equal Frequency (or Quantile) Discretization?

Imagine you have a bowl of 100 candies and ten friends. Distributing ten candies to each person regardless of the type of candy is analogous to Equal Frequency Discretization.

This method ensures that each bin contains roughly an equal number of data points, which makes it particularly useful for skewed data distributions.


  • Balances “Skewed Data”: When your data points cluster at particular ranges, this method can can balance any unbalanced data (skewed data).

  • Simple Interpretability: With roughly equal numbers in each category, you can compare the categories easily.


  • Variable Bin Widths: This can make it slightly challenging for you to visually & interpret the data.

  • Loss of Nuance: Since it oversimplifies the data, it may make it harder for you to spot more complex patterns.

Practical Use Cases

This approach is commonly used in financial risk modeling to ensure that each risk category has a sufficient number of samples for robust analysis. 

For e.g. you may have data belonging to different risk categories like market risk, credit risk, and so on. Using Equal Frequency Distribution adds data points in each of these categories which will give you a balanced view.

What Is K-Means Clustering Discretization?

Think of the night sky filled with stars. 

K-Means Clustering groups these stars into constellations based on their 'closeness' to one another. The algorithm calculates the 'distance' between data points and assigns them to clusters, thereby discretizing the data.


  • Data-Driven: It considers the inherent structure in your data.

  • Flexibility: It allows you to categorize it better.


  • Computational Complexity: You may need significantly more computational power to run these methods.

  • Initialization Sensitivity: Your initial placement of cluster centers can affect the final outcome.

Practical Use Cases

You will see that K-Means Clustering is frequently employed in customer segmentation, bioinformatics for gene clustering, and even in image compression techniques.

What Is Decision Tree-Based Discretization?

You know how a detective tries to solve a case by asking a series of questions to narrow down the list of suspects? Decision Tree-Based Discretization operates similarly, using decision trees like CART or C4.5 to find the optimal way to discretize the data.

However, caution is advised; this method can easily result in overfitting if not correctly calibrated.


  • Adaptive: You can tailor the discretization process according to the complexities of your dataset.

  • Feature Importance: You will be able to highlight the most important features for discretization by using feature importance.  


  • Risk of Overfitting: If you don’t carefully tune it, your model can adapt too well to the training data, losing generalizability.

  • Complexity: You would require a strong understanding of decision tree algorithms to apply effectively.  

Practical Use Cases

Decision Tree-Based Discretization is often used in medical research to categorize patient outcomes or in credit scoring models, so that it can be used to tailor based on different use cases.


Which Discretization Type To Use and When?

Choosing the right discretization technique is a pivotal decision in your machine learning project. Think of it as selecting the right tool for a specialized job: using the wrong tool could lead to wasted time, inefficiency, or even erroneous conclusions. 

Use this detailed guide to help you pick the best method for your specific needs.

Decision Framework: Questions To Ask Before Choosing

  1. What is the distribution of your data? Is your data skewed, or is it more or less evenly spread?

  2. How much computational power are you able to use? Can you afford the computational costs of a more complex method?

  3. What is the focus of your analysis? Are you more interested in identifying complex patterns or getting quick, easily interpretable results?

  4. Do you need to avoid overfitting? Some methods are much more susceptible to overfitting than others.

  5. How crucial is interpretability? Are you willing to trade off accuracy for easier understanding?

Detailed Recommendations: When To Use Each Technique

Real-world Examples of Discretization

Now, we’ll take a look at some examples of discretization used in the world around us:

Medical Research

In the realm of medical research, discretization is often employed to simplify the data collected during studies. 

For instance, consider a study on blood pressure levels across different age groups. Instead of analyzing each individual's exact age and blood pressure, researchers might divide ages into groups like 'Young Adult (18-34),' 'Middle-Aged (35-54),' and 'Senior (55+).'

Blood pressure could be categorized as 'Low,' 'Normal,' or 'High.' This makes it easier to observe trends and make generalizations that could inform healthcare policies or treatment methods.

Financial Risk Assessment

When it comes to assessing financial risk, banks and credit agencies often use discretization to make the analysis more manageable and interpretable. For example, credit scores might be binned into 'Poor,' 'Fair,' 'Good,' and 'Excellent.' 

Similarly, income levels could be categorized as 'Low,' 'Middle,' and 'High.' These discrete categories can help in creating robust financial models that are easier to understand and act upon.

Customer Segmentation in Retail

Retailers frequently use discretization methods like K-Means Clustering to segment their customer base. 

They might take continuous data such as 'Average Spending per Visit' or 'Number of Visits per Month' and categorize customers into discrete groups like 'High-Value Customers,' 'Frequent Shoppers,' or 'Bargain Hunters.' 

This helps in personalizing marketing strategies and promotional offers for each segment.

Social Media Analytics

In social media analytics, discretization might be used to segment user engagement into categories like 'Low,' 'Medium,' and 'High.' For instance, a post's reach could be categorized based on the number of likes, comments, or shares it receives. 

By doing so, marketers can better personalize their social media campaigns to meet specific engagement targets.


As we round up our deep dive into the world of data discretization, we've seen how it serves as the unsung hero in machine learning. It's the key that unlocks complex data, transforming it into digestible bits that both machines and humans can work with.

The Essence of Discretization: At its heart, data discretization is about making a continuous stream into meaningful chunks.

Why Discretization Matters: Whether you're working with basic algorithms or wrangling complex neural networks, understanding how and when to discretize helps to reduce overfitting, improve efficiency, & enhance Interpretability.

Real-World Impact: From your favorite music app's recommendations to your online shopping cart's uncanny suggestions, discretization techniques are hard at work.

Discretization Techniques Unveiled: Finally we've walked through four popular discretization methods which are Equal Width, Equal Frequency, K-Means Clustering, Decision Tree-Based discretization.

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Question For You

Which of the following is NOT a common discretization technique used in machine learning?

  1. A) Equal Width
  2. B) Equal Frequency
  3. C) Spiral Sorting
  4. D) K-Means Clustering

 Let us know your answer in the comments below!

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